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유아영어공부::코코멜론 가사수집 Lunch Song

by 너부리옆통수 2020. 3. 20.

유치원에 아이들이 도시락을 나눠먹는 내용을 담은 노래입니다. 요즘 도시락을 싸와서 먹는 유치원이나 어린이집이 있을까요? 저희 딸아이에겐 도시락은 소풍을 연상시키는 아이템이지요. 그래서 이 노래는 더 좋아하는거 같아요. 작년 봄소풍에 도시락에 젤리와 과자를 담아가서 친구들과 나눠먹었던 기억을 아직까지 이야기하네요.

친구들의 도시락 반찬을 구경하는 재미가 쏠쏠한 Lucnbox Song입니다.


유아영어공부::코코멜론 가사수집 LunchSong(3:26)


코코멜론 LunchSong



I've got something in my lunch box

Something yummy I know

I've got something in my lunch box

It's lunch time now, let's go

I've got chicken nuggets, carrot sticks

Grapes and wome potato chips

Chicken nuggets, carrot sticks

Grapes, potato chips

I've got something in my lunch box

Something yummy I know

I've got something in my lunch box

It's lunch time now, let's go

I've got tortillas with some rice and beans

Salsa and some leafy greens

Tortillas with some rice and beans

Salsa, leafy greens

I've got something in my lunch box

Something yummy I know

I've got something in my lunch box

It's lunch time now, let's go

I've got pasta with tomato sauce

Bread and salad that's been tossed

Pasta with tomato sauce

Bread and salad tossed

I've got something in my lunch box

Something yummy I know

I've got something in my lunch box

It's lunch time now, let's go

I've got chicken dumplings with some rice

Veggies that taste very nice

Chicken dumplings with some rice

Veggies very nice

I've got something in my lunch box

Something yummy I know

I've got something in my lunch box

It's lunch time now, let's go

I've got a sandwich made with ham and cheese

Broccoli and apples, please

Sandwich made with ham and cheese

Broccoli, apples, please

I've got something in my lunch box

Something yummy I know

I've got something in my lunch box

It's lunch time now, let's go

I've got potatoes and roast beef, you see

Peanut butter celery

Potatoes and roast beef, you see

Peanut butter celery

I've got something in my lunch box

Something yummy I know

I've got something in my lunch box

It's lunch time now, let's go


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