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유아영어공부::코코멜론 가사수집 (Wash your hands song)

by 너부리옆통수 2020. 3. 7.

요즘같은 시기에 마스크 쓰기, 손씻기 등 감염병 예방 수칙은 아이에게 수백번 강조해도 모자라지요. 자꾸 얘기하면 잔소리 같고, 이렇게 영상으로라도 자꾸 인지 시켜야 할것 같아요. 다행히 재미있게 봐주세요. 아가도 씻고, 언니오빠도 씻고, 마지막에 동물친구들까지 다같이 손씻는 즐거운 손씻기 영상입니다.

유아영어공부::코코멜론 가사수집 (Wash your hands song)

Wash your hands song

When you spend your happy days

doing things like work or play

is there something you should do

Before you're on your way?

Freeze! stop and think!

There are germs that you can't see

Wash wash wash your hands

Let the bubbles do their dance

scrub scrub scrub-a-dub

Now you're in the clean hands club!


Wash your hands song

When you spend your happy days

doing things like work or play

is there something you should do

Before you're on your way?

Freeze! stop and think!

Aren't you forgetting something?

Wash wash wash your hands

Let the bubbles do their dance

scrub scrub scrub-a-dub

Now you're in the clean hands club!




